
2024.9.25(水) 16:35 パ・リーグ インサイト
オリックス・バファローズ ゴンザレス選手 ©パーソル パ・リーグTV

◇ゴンザレス選手 コメント
「After two amazing years in Japan, it’s time for me to say goodbye. I’m incredibly grateful to my teammates, coaches, and fans for welcoming me with open arms. Despite the language barrier, we formed a bond with ease, making every moment on the field special. Playing here has been a life-changing experience, especially getting to share it with my family. Japan will always hold a special place in our hearts. I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity, the memories, and the friendships made along the way. Thank you for welcoming me into your world and for the endless support. You have all my respect. Arigatou gozai...

