Player Directory

Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles
Tomohito Sakai
Tomohito Sakai

strike out rate
BB Rate
*Fiscal year 2025
body weight
Pitching and batting
right-handed pitcher / right-handed hitter
Blood type
Draft Year
Ryukoku University Heian High School - Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences - Osaka Gas - 2017 Chiba Lotte D2 (until 2019) - 2020 Rakuten
Titles won
Takahisa Hayakawa and Masaru Fujii become the first left-handed pitchers in the team to achieve double-digit win. The new guardian angel also performs well. [Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles 2024: pitcher]
Pacific League Insight
2024.12.21(土) 10:59
Pacific League players who have been transferred as compensation in the past five years
Pacific League Insight
2024.2.5(月) 19:20
Seigi Tanaka will be in bullpen from the first day. Looking back at the "successful examples" of personnel compensation in Pacific League
Pacific League Insight Ryota Mochizuki
2023.2.3(金) 23:15
Key players Hideto Asamura and Hiroaki Shimauchi are doing well. Ryosuke Tatsumi also shows off his batting skills [Tohoku Rakuten 2022 Season Review: fielder Edition]
Pacific League Insight
2022.12.28(水) 08:01
Takahiro Norimoto 's eighth double-digit win. Is it urgent for the starters to step up to escape the bottom of ERA [Tohoku Rakuten 2022 Season Review: pitcher]
Pacific League Insight
2022.12.28(水) 08:00
The annual event is back again this year! Highlights from "Rakuten Eagles Fan Appreciation Festival 2022"
Pacific League Insight
2022.11.24(木) 18:00
Is bullpen the key to their success? Looking back at the "powerful relief pitchers" common to the three Class A teams
Pacific League Insight Ryota Mochizuki
2021.12.6(月) 17:00
Is Chiba Lotte in a good position this season? Looking back at this season's match between The Marines and The Eagles
Pacific League Insight
2021.11.6(土) 09:00
[Intermediate level] Can you read them properly? Try the difficult kanji quiz for Pacific League players!
Pacific League Insight
2021.9.19(日) 09:02
Rakuten win with the winning hit from Takero Okajima! Excellent relief Tomohito Sakai records his first win of the season
Pacific League Insight
2021.5.30(日) 16:36
Has there been any change in his relief appearance pace in 2020? We've converted his performance into 143 games.
Pacific League Insight Ryota Mochizuki
2021.1.27(水) 18:00
涌井秀章が最多勝も…… 投手陣の成果と課題を振り返る【東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルス2020:投手編】
Pacific League Insight
2020.12.30(水) 11:00
千葉ロッテ3選手がウインターリーグ参戦 所属チームが歓迎ツイート「大きな役割を」
2018.11.26(月) 12:24
Pacific League League Insight The Marines Club Public Relations Director Noriaki Kajiwara
2018.11.12(月) 10:00
千葉ロッテ酒居知史、種市篤暉、平沢大河が豪州リーグに参戦 平沢「守備面の技術アップを」
2018.10.17(水) 10:19
Full-Count by Yoshinori Hosono
2018.9.19(水) 22:40
千葉ロッテ酒居知史、“変身”して1軍復帰 下半身強化で球威増「納得のいくボール」
Full-Count by Yoshinori Hosono
2018.6.17(日) 23:08
千葉ロッテ酒居知史が約1か月半ぶりに1軍先発 「大胆に攻めていきたい」
Full-Count by Yoshinori Hosono
2018.6.17(日) 11:34
千葉ロッテ2年目・酒居知史が1日の楽天戦に先発 「我慢するのが僕のピッチングスタイル」
Full-Count by Yoshinori Hosono
2018.4.1(日) 11:12