[Takahashi Apple Orchard & Tonozaki Apple Orchard] Today's Pacific League [March 23]

Pacific League Insight

2025.3.23(日) 19:13

Player Shuta Tonosaki and pitcher Mitsunari Takahashi holding the sweets to be released [Photo: provided by the team]
Player Shuta Tonosaki and pitcher Mitsunari Takahashi holding the sweets to be released [Photo: provided by the team]

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham 'Hiromi Ito invites children to his "Hiromi Seat"

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham... Hiromi Ito pitcher will set up "Oumi Seats" again this year at the games hosted by ES CON FIELD HOKKAIDO. The program is open to children living in children's homes in Hokkaido, as well as organizations and children who have joined and are active in the Hokkaido Network of Children's Shokudo (Children's Cafeterias).

The "Oumi Seat" will be launched in 2022. It is the brainchild of Ito pitcher, who is grateful to be able to play as a professional baseball player in his native Hokkaido, and hopes that children in Hokkaido will be inspired to challenge their dreams through The Fighters matches, and to encourage this desire. It is a social contribution activity that invites 8 children to each game.

Ito pitcher comments
I hope that the sport of baseball will inspire children who need support for various reasons and those who are challenging themselves to achieve big dreams for the future as if they were going out to sea, to have dreams and hopes, and that the excitement and excitement brought by professional games will lead to their future growth and independence. We hope that the excitement and excitement brought by professional play will lead to their future growth and independence. We will continue to play with all our might in the 2025 season by turning the cheers of everyone sitting in our oumi seats into strength."

Saitama Seibu to sell "Takahashi Apple Orchard's Apple Cut Cake" and "Tonozaki Apple Orchard's Apple Baumkuchen" from the opening game






 両商品とも3月28日(金)の北海道日本ハム戦から、ベルーナドームエリア内の「ライオンズ チームストア フラッグス」で販売。それぞれの商品パッケージには選手の写真がプリントされており、2商品のパッケージを合わせると見開きノートのようになるデザインになっている。観戦のお土産やプレゼントにもぴったりだ。

▼外崎選手 コメント
「昨年は光成の実家のりんごと僕の実家のりんごを混ぜ合わせたお菓子でしたが、今年はそれぞれのりんごの特長を生かしたお菓子ということで、僕の実家のりんごの風味や味わいをバウムクーヘンで楽しんでください! りんごジュースもいいですが、バウムクーヘンもぜひ買っていただけるとうれしいです」

◇Big flag displayed at Chiba Lotte home opening game

Chiba Lotte announced that they will display a big flag in the right field stands at the home opening game Orix on April 1. The Big Flag Executive Committee and Chiba Lotte Marines supporters will work together to display a big flag with the words "ONE HEART MARINES" at around 6:25pm before the start of the game as part of the game production.

The big flag was produced by The Marines Big Flag Executive Committee and was unveiled for the first time at the home opening game against Nippon-Ham on March 31, 2015.

Updated almost every day! Today's Pacific League
Children are invited to the Taikai Ito pitcher Invitation Project "Taikai Seat" again this year
Sweets made using apples from players Tonosaki and pitcher Takahashi's family home have been revamped!
Request for cooperation regarding displaying big flags at the home opening game on Tuesday, April 1st

Article provided by:Pacific League Insight

Pacific League ​ ​News

[Takahashi Apple Orchard & Tonozaki Apple Orchard] Today's Pacific League [March 23]
