Player Directory

Chiba Lotte Marines
Seiichiro Oshita
Seiichiro Oshita

Striking Power Index
Slugging power index
Baseball selection index
*Fiscal year 2025
body weight
Pitching and batting
right-handed pitcher / right-handed hitter
Blood type
Draft Year
Hakuoh University Ashikaga High School-Hakuoh University-Orix (development '20, controlled '20-'22) Chiba Lotte ('23-)
Titles won
Koki Yamaguchi, Shogo Nakamura, and Seiichiro Oshita hit consecutive hits, providing strong support for Roki Sasaki
Pacific League Insight
2024.4.14(日) 14:08
Chiba Lotte to start accepting orders for training items designed by seven players, including Naonori Yasuda
Pacific League Insight
2023.11.10(金) 15:45
[Farm] Seiichiro Oshita hits his first solo home run, but Chiba Lotte loses with a lack of energy in the pitching and batting
Pacific League Insight
2023.9.18(月) 16:01
Yudai Fujioka hits a tying run, but Chiba Lotte loses in extra inning walk-off Seiichiro Oshita hits his first Home Run since transferring to the team.
Pacific League Insight
2023.6.3(土) 22:27
現役ドラフトの“成功例”となるか? 大下誠一郎が2安打
Pacific League Insight
2023.3.12(日) 17:53
[New Academy Coach Appointed!] Today's Pacific League [December 21st]
Pacific League Insight
2022.12.21(水) 18:53
[New players arriving one after another] Today's Pacific League [December 20th]
Pacific League Insight
2022.12.20(火) 20:18
[Active Player Draft] Today's Pacific League [December 9th]
Pacific League Insight
2022.12.9(金) 18:39
【ファーム】一軍出場を目指す阪口樂と宮田輝星に期待! 24日は4試合を配信予定
Pacific League Insight
2022.6.23(木) 20:07
大下誠一郎が今季1号&サヨナラ打! オリックスが劇的勝利を飾り首位奪還
Pacific League Insight
2021.9.7(火) 22:07
【ファーム】大下誠一郎が決勝2点タイムリー! 中盤の集中打でオリックスが逆転勝利
Pacific League Insight
2021.8.27(金) 16:17
Pacific League Insight
2021.8.15(日) 21:16
Pacific League Insight
2021.6.17(木) 17:35
丑年の今季は"猛牛"オリックスが上昇の気配!? 丑年生まれの年男たちに要注目!
Pacific League Insight Yasushi Narita
2021.6.17(木) 16:00
大下誠一郎は初打席初ホームラン 2020年インパクトを残した「育成出身選手」
Pacific League Insight
2021.2.5(金) 10:59
2021.1.27(水) 20:03
Pacific League Insight Yasushi Narita
2020.12.29(火) 10:59
Zhang Yi allowed only three hit in the sixth inning, shutting out the opposing team. With home runs from Seiichiro Oshita and Moya, Orix stopped their losing streak.
Pacific League Insight
2020.10.17(土) 17:16
Chiba Lotte continues to add big names, Rakuten makes the most trades with four, and Saitama Seibu makes no reinforcements... What is the final strength of the Pacific League teams?
2020.10.2(金) 08:10
大下誠一郎の初打席初本塁打が決勝弾! 山本由伸も好投したオリックスが神戸で快勝
Pacific League Insight
2020.9.15(火) 20:50