Player Directory

Chiba Lotte Marines
石川 慎吾
Shingo Ishikawa

Striking Power Index
Slugging power index
Baseball selection index
*Fiscal year 2025
body weight
Pitching and batting
right-handed pitcher / right-handed hitter
Blood type
Draft Year
Titles won
The addition of first-round draft pick Misho Nishikawa makes the field even more competitive. A closer look at the fierce outfield battle at Chiba Lotte
Pacific League Insight Ryota Mochizuki
2024.11.21(木) 11:00
[Farm] Shingo Ishikawa scored two RBI, including the game-winning hit Shuta Takano pitched a great relief performance, shutting out the opposing team in the fifth inning.
Pacific League Insight
2024.9.23(月) 15:40
唐川侑己が6回1失点で今季2勝目 石川慎吾の決勝打で千葉ロッテが接戦を制す
Pacific League Insight
2024.8.10(土) 20:38
石川慎吾が1点差に迫るタイムリー 12日に一軍再昇格
Pacific League Insight
2024.7.15(月) 20:08
【ファーム】千葉ロッテが連敗 山本大斗&石川慎吾が本塁打
Pacific League Insight
2024.7.4(木) 21:55
Just like a "Junon Boy"! We asked the person in charge about how the project came about and what went on behind the scenes
Pacific League Insight Mayuko Goto
2024.6.21(金) 17:00
【ファーム】千葉ロッテが延長の末敗戦 石川歩は今季最長の4回0封
Pacific League Insight
2024.6.1(土) 16:12
千葉ロッテが16安打6得点逆転勝利で勝率5割に復帰 石川慎吾は1号ソロを放つ
Pacific League Insight
2024.5.18(土) 17:39
逆転劇の足がかりをつくった! 好調・石川慎吾が3安打1打点の活躍
Pacific League Insight
2024.5.1(水) 22:13
【ファーム】石川慎吾が2打点 延長戦勝利の千葉ロッテが連敗ストップ
Pacific League Insight
2024.4.14(日) 17:05
【ファーム】井上晴哉、石川慎吾に今季1号! 千葉ロッテが勝利
Pacific League Insight
2024.3.30(土) 16:28
【ファーム】石川慎吾が3安打2打点 打線活発の千葉ロッテが今季初勝利!
Pacific League Insight
2024.3.22(金) 15:51
The team's Home Run king in 37 years is born. Young players are increasing their number of appearances, but their batting performance is stagnant [Chiba Lotte Marines 2023: fielder Edition]
Pacific League Insight
2023.12.26(火) 17:59
Pacific League Insight
2023.11.27(月) 21:45
パ・リーグへようこそ 今シーズン途中にセ・リーグからやってきた5選手
Pacific League Insight
2023.10.30(月) 17:30
千葉ロッテが3位浮上! 石川慎吾は逆転2号2ランを含む2安打
Pacific League Insight
2023.10.2(月) 21:11
Shingo Ishikawa hits the winning hit! Koshiro Sakamoto wins his first game since transferring to the team.
Pacific League Insight
2023.8.24(木) 21:20
Koshiro Wada and Shingo Ishikawa hit Home Run to help Chiba Lotte win consecutive games, while Castillo shuts out the opposing team for five innings
Pacific League Insight
2023.7.29(土) 20:57
Pacific League Insight Ryota Mochizuki
2023.7.10(月) 18:30
代打・石川慎吾の決勝打で千葉ロッテ4連勝 美馬学は7回2失点で今季初勝利
Pacific League Insight
2023.7.8(土) 17:08