[Orix] Unsuccessful Yuma Tongu, Ryoma Nishikawa, and Diaz will play in extra inning innings in the second team

Sports Hochi

2025.3.24(月) 05:00

2回1死、左飛に倒れベンチに戻る西川龍馬(カメラ・渡辺 了文)

Orix won their first game in eight games, but their batting line-up only managed eight hit two runs, and they were lacking in cohesion. With the exhibition games over, they had a total of 37 runs in 16 games. Manager Kishida was not satisfied with their first home win, saying, "We had a lot of issues, like how to get one more hit and how to advance to the next base."

Tonmiya, who is struggling with a batting average of .121, Nishikawa, who has a batting average of .51, and new foreign player Diaz are expected to play in Western League game against Hanshin Tigers starting on the 25th and try to overcome their slump. Head coach Mizumoto explained the intention of the "extra inning," saying, "We are in the adjustment period. We want to be in good shape for the opening game." Tonmiya hit his first home run in his 33rd at-bat in the game against Hanshin Tigers on the 22nd (Kyocera Dome). "My sense is definitely improving, so I want to let it soak into my body even a little," he said, showing his desire to make a full recovery.

Nishikawa also reached base on Walk in his final at-bat that day. After the game on the 21st (same venue), he revealed his thoughts, saying, "I don't think I would have been able to play in the game. I have to do what I have to do and live up to (expectations)." In order to bounce back from last season, when they sank to 5th place, improving their scoring ability is a must. They will be fully prepared for the opening game. (Nanbu Shunta)

After the game, the "2025 Battle Ceremony: A Huge Circle of "Everlasting Heat"" was held on ground. After the greeting from Manager Kishida, second-year right-hander Furutajima stood in the center of the circle and encouraged the nine players, saying, "There were a lot of things going on in the preseason, but let's switch gears. It would be lonely if I were the only one to win, so let's all win together!" He continued, "We'll all come together and go as one. Furutajima wins! Orix wins! Let's go!", livening up the Kyocera Dome at home.


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[Orix] Unsuccessful Yuma Tongu, Ryoma Nishikawa, and Diaz will play in extra inning innings in the second team
