[Orix] The batting line is lacking energy and they lost all six of their external matches in March. Manager Mamoru Kishida: "If they continue like this, I'll be worried."

Sports Hochi

2025.3.9(日) 05:00

投手交代を告げる岸田護監督(カメラ・渡辺 了文)

◆Open game Orix 1-4 The Giants (8th, Kyocera Dome Osaka)

Orix 's batting line was lackluster, scoring only one run on eight hit, and they lost all six of their games in March. They also fell to the bottom of the preseason. After four games at their home stadium, Kyocera Dome, and with their first win still a long way to go, manager Kishida said, "We want to win, after all. I think that's why everyone is doing it..."

Last season, the team finished 5th in the league, with a team batting average of .238, 71 Home Run, and 402 runs, all of which were 5th in the league. The current situation is that the offensive line, which is considered an issue, is struggling. "There are some areas where (the batting line) is not connecting well. If it continues like this, I will be worried," pointed out manager Kishida. Despite adding new foreign players Diaz and Olivares, the team has been silent in the exhibition games, with zero Home Run in six games and only six runs in the last four games.

Still, there is a ray of hope. On this day, first-round draft pick Mugiya recorded his first hit in the exhibition game, and fellow rookie Yamanaka also had one hit. Ota, who rejoined from Samurai Japan, brought in the only run with a timely hit to left field in the fifth inning. "I believe that (their condition) will continue to improve," said the rookie manager, almost praying. With less than three weeks until the opening on the 28th, it's about time to get the engine going. (Nambu Shunta)

Hirano (the Pacific League's oldest closer, who just turned 41, runs in two consecutive exhibition games. He was hit by Hernandez's new two-two seam fastball, but was pleased with the accuracy of slider) said, "I'd like to mix in the two-seam two seam fastball and broaden my range of pitches."

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[Orix] The batting line is lacking energy and they lost all six of their external matches in March. Manager Mamoru Kishida: "If they continue like this, I'll be worried."
