Yuya Gunji

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters

Yuya Gunji

Gunji Yuya


Yuya Gunji
  • Striking Power Index


  • Slugging power index


  • Baseball selection index


*Fiscal year 2025

  • Biography

    Sendai Ikuei High School - Keio University -Chunichi (4th draft pick, 20th to 23rd) -Hokkaido Nippon-Ham (23rd and onwards)

  • Titles won

Participation results

hitter performance: By year
year team Batting Average game At bat At Bat Hit doble triple Home Run Base hit RBI score struck out Walk Hit by Pitch sacrifice bunt sacrifice fly Stolen Base Caught stolen base double play play Slugging percentage OPS ISO ISOD BB/K BABIP AB/HR
2020 .156 30 76 64 10 3 0 0 13 4 6 19 9 1 1 1 0 0 1 .203 .470 .047 .110 .474 .217 -
2021 .462 9 15 13 6 1 0 0 7 3 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .538 1.072 .077 .072 .667 .600 -
2022 .190 33 48 42 8 1 0 0 9 0 0 12 5 1 0 0 0 0 4 .214 .506 .024 .101 .417 .267 -
2023 .000 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 - .000 -
2023 .254 55 187 169 43 4 0 3 56 19 15 30 16 0 2 0 2 1 4 .331 .650 .077 .064 .533 .294 56.33
2024 .256 127 495 441 113 14 0 12 163 49 52 71 40 4 6 4 2 2 6 .370 .691 .113 .065 .563 .279 36.75
Overall record .247 255 822 730 180 23 0 15 248 75 73 135 72 6 9 5 4 3 15 .340 .657 .093 .071 .533 .282 48.67

2025/2/21 03:10 更新

Player Access Ranking

Pacific League ​ ​Player Directory

Yuya Gunji
