Hokkaido Nippon-Ham-Ham Fighters' Reyes hits his second home run of the season opener, giving the team four runs in the first inning.

Pacific League Insight

2025.3.21(金) 18:45

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters player Reyes Pacific League TV
Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters player Reyes Pacific League TV

◇ Hokkaido Nippon-Ham vs. Tokyo Yakult Open Game (21st, ES CON FIELD)

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Reyes, who started in the 5th inning for , hit his second three-run shot in an open game.

Reyes, who started the game at No. 5 DH, faced his first at bat in the bottom of the first inning with a one-run lead and one out, and on his sixth pitch from full count, he hit a 150 km/h straight ball to the left side of the back screen off the bat of the opposing starter, Keiji Takahashi pitcher.

Reyes was batting .292 in open games at the time of the pre-game. Home Run It was his first time since the game Chiba Lotte on the 12th. The 25-hit cannon from last season is steadily preparing for the opening day of the season.

Text: Rioko Niwa


Pacific League ​ ​News

Hokkaido Nippon-Ham-Ham Fighters' Reyes hits his second home run of the season opener, giving the team four runs in the first inning.
