◆Preseason game: Lotte vs Hiroshima (6th, ZOZO)
Lotte's first-round draft pick, Misho Nishikawa (Misho) outfielder = Aogaku University, appeared at "No. 3, center field" in a game against Hiroshima (ZOZO) on June 6, starting line-up. With a 3-0 lead and two outs in the fifth inning, runner he hit doble to left field from Kono, the fourth right-handed pitcher in Hiroshima, in his third at bat.
This was his long-awaited home debut in the third exhibition game. In his first at-bat with two outs and no runner on base in the first inning, he hit doble to right field off Hiroshima's starting left-hander, Tokoda. In the third inning, he hit sacrifice fly to left field off Hiroshima's second right-hander, Matsumoto, scoring his first RBI in the exhibition game. He showed his skills in front of the home fans as a greeting.
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